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The Bulwark Wants Us to Know Government Employees Are CRYING About Removing Pronouns From Their Emails


The other day we told you about the Bulwark bravely going to the mattresses for trans rights conservatism. Or something. 

It's not a principled stance when you remember their only guiding thought is ORANGE MAN BAD.


Because that's what drives the Bulwark: blinding hatred of Donald Trump. Even at the expense of actual conservative principles.

Which is why Sam Stein is bringing us this story about Donald Trump removing woke gender identity and sexuality nonsense from government:

This writer has had enough jobs to be aware of the training on sexual harassment that pretty much every American goes through when they start a new gig. And how pretty much everything -- even the most innocuous of statements -- can be classified as 'sexual harassment' if someone with thin skin gets offended.

Yet magically, it's somehow not sexual harassment when certain demographic groups can talk about their sexuality and demand enthusiastic approval from their colleagues (under threat of termination) simply because they check the right boxes.

But we digress.


Very unwell.

It sure does.

Very unprofessional.

Must be tough for guys like Sam.

Pretty much every meeting could be an email, but yes. This was all performative.

Agreed. A career change might be in order.

No one is more productive at work because pronouns are in email signatures.


What Trump is doing will restore sanity to those who just wanted equal treatment and had that movement usurped by the radical trans activists.


We see what you did there.

Let's go back to that, please.

And they are incapable of understanding it.

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