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AP Parrots Lie That Crime Is Down As It Asks Why People Still Feel Unsafe


The Left insists crime is down. Except -- if you live in reality -- you see that crime is not, in fact, down. You see it when you shop at stores and everything is locked up to prevent theft, or when you hop on social media and see another New York subway rider was pushed in front of a train, or stabbed, or mugged.


Yet the narrative persists:

The AP writes:

As U.S. police departments release preliminary or finalized 2024 crime numbers, many are reporting historic declines in homicides and drops in other violent crimes compared to 2023.

In many parts of the country, though, those decreases don’t match the public perception.

Experts say most cities are seeing a drop in crime levels that spiked during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. But they say misleading campaign rhetoric in the runup to the November elections and changes in how people interpret news about crime have led to a perception gap.

“The presence of even one murder has a great cost,” said Kim Smith, the director of national programs at the University of Chicago’s Crime Lab.

The reason the stats don't match peoples' perception is because agencies aren't reporting crimes.

When 40% of agencies aren't reporting crime stats, the numbers will go down. That doesn't mean crime goes away.

Can't tell you how many stores lock up everyday items to prevent theft. And it's harming the businesses.

And the FBI updated its crime data to show a surge in violent crimes.


We wrote about that here.

Yes. This is the reality of it.

The AP could do actual journalism and dig into the stats, but the never do that.

Where's the lie?

Not nearly enough.

If only.

Peak media stupidity.

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