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Bethany Mandel Reminds Lefty Who Lamented Homeschooling What's REALLY Insane About Education These Days

AP Photo/Ted S. Warren

As we get closer to the inauguration of Donald Trump and the first 100 days of the Trump administration, we expect we'll hear a lot of things about education in the coming weeks.


Trump vowed to end the Department of Education. The Left is -- predictably -- melting down over this. The DoE has done nothing to improve education in America and the argument can be made it's led to a massive decline in education and educational standards nationwide.

There are still great schools and great teachers, but they are (sadly) the exception and not the rule these days.

During and after COVID, when the Left all but admitted school wasn't essential by keeping schools closed for ages and forcing kids into remote 'learning', lots of families turned to homeschooling as an alternative.

Because it works for a lot of families. It provides quality, student-focused education for children, and it breaks the public school cycle of dysfunction.

But Lefties also hate homeschooling, because they can't get their paws on kids and teach them about 57 genders instead of how to read and write.

Every once in a while, an old post about homeschooling will get new life on X. This is one of those cases. 

And here's the original post:



As Bethany said, what's insane is that there are districts populated with these supposedly trained and certified teachers where zero students are proficient in math or reading. Like Baltimore. Or places like Milwaukee -- this writer's hometown -- where proficiency scores are somewhere between 9 and 11 percent.


Also this.

Lots of Lefty parents homeschool, too.

This is absolutely inexcusable.

How will these kids get a job and function in society if they can't read.


But the Left insists this can't happen outside of public schools.

That's so bad.

The post is from 2022, but yeah. That's her argument, despite boatloads of evidence to the contrary.

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