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Donald Trump Didn't Praise Hitler, but Kamala Harris Hopes Voters Are Stupid Enough to Believe He Did


Yesterday, I watched with angry curiosity as Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic pushed another anonymously sourced anti-Trump smear piece

This one was two pronged: not only did Trump praise Hitler (again, according to anonymous sources), he spit on the grave of Vanessa Guillen, a U.S. soldier whose funeral Trump had paid for.

What was fascinating is that Mark Meadows and the sister of Guillen both went on record debunking the claims, as I wrote about here. A spokesman for Meadows also noted The Atlantic took his statement and deceptively altered it to change his absolute denial of Trump's disparaging remarks concerning Guillen.

But now I see what the endgame was here. This article was dropped last night to help Kamala Harris, and -- while I have no proof -- I would bet you it was done in conjunction with the Kamala Harris campaign.

What makes me say that? Well...

And she did. Here it is:

See?! Trump loves Hitler and hates Mexicans! He can't be president!

What an absolute steaming pile of bulls**t, and I'll tell you why.

To start, Kamala Harris is underwater with Latino voters. In fact, her advantage with Latinos is the worst in the last four election cycles. She realizes this, and her campaign made a cynical ploy for their votes by pandering to Latino men in a similar way she did to Black men. 

Rather than really addressing the issues Latino voters care about -- affordable groceries, jobs, illegal immigration -- the Kamala campaign decided that using anonymous sources to accuse Trump of saying mean things about a Mexican woman and U.S. soldier. 

It's an interesting glimpse into the psychology of the Left. Kamala's campaign acknowledges Latino men want good paying jobs so they can support their families, as well as affordable food and utilities and housing. But instead of explaining to Latino voters why she's the candidate who can deliver these things (she won't because she can't), her campaign decided to pretend Trump said mean things.

Because, to the Left, having someone say mean things is the worst thing you can do to a person. Because mean words hurt their feelings, it must hurt the feelings of Latinos. 

As opposed to, you know, the last 3.5 years of failed Biden-Harris policies that have harmed Latinos economically and socially.

Two weeks out from the election the campaign of JOY has turned back into the campaign of 'Republicans are Hitler', which tells me she's going to lose, and internal polling has to show her she's losing bigly. This is not the behavior of a campaign in a competitive race and it's not the behavior of a campaign that's winning.

It's the behavior of a campaign that is trying to burn it all down as they make their way to the exits.

In addition to The Atlantic likely colluding with the Kamala campaign, John Kelly, former White House Chief of Staff, said Trump praised Hitler 'several times' in the past. The problem is, Kelly wrote a book about Trump a few years ago. In that book, he miraculously omitted Trump's praising of Hitler. Until two weeks before the election.

In this age where everyone has a phone that doubles as a video camera and recording device in their pockets, it's telling Kelly -- or some other Trump staffer -- has no video or audio of Trump saying these things. It's the 'dog that didn't bark':

Anyone who believes Trump said these things wasn't going to vote for Trump anyway. Case in point:

But outside of Jennifer Rubin's TDS-riddled brain, no one believes this is 'the biggest story' and the media have, in fact, tried to cover it. Jen must've missed Norah O'Donnell opening CBS Evening News with it last night.

And not one voter will be turned off from voting for Trump over this. I would argue it'll have the opposite effect.

In fact, my vote for Trump wasn't so much a vote for him as it was a vote against Kamala. But now, I will crawl across broken glass to pull that lever for Trump.

I have warned -- multiple times -- that the media and the Democrats nuking every norm, every ethical standard, every shred of integrity because beating the BAD ORANGE MAN would backfire on them. Back in May, I quoted Sir Thomas More from 'A Man for All Seasons', a warning about what happens when you knock down laws to get the devil. It bears repeating here:

Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned ‘round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man’s laws, not God’s! And if you cut them down, and you’re just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake!

Democrats would do well to read, and heed, my warning. They won't, of course, and they deserve what happens next.

What happens next is Donald Trump is reelected President.

And today is the day Kamala put the final nail in the coffin of her campaign.


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