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Dear 'Journalists': Your 'Literally Hitler' Card Has Been Declined


For as long as I've been cognizant of politics, I've also been aware of a distinct pattern with the Democrats and the media (redundant, I know): whoever the Republican candidate is, he's LITERALLY HITLER.

George W. Bush? Fascist.

Dick Cheney? Darth Vader.

John McCain? War-mongering tyrant.

Mitt Romney? Going to put black Americans in chains.

Donald Trump? Literally Hitler. On steroids. An existential threat to democracy and our fundamental freedoms.

But those other Republicans -- the ones who were the embodiment of evil -- are suddenly 'moderate' and 'reasonable' Republicans and the Left long for the halcyon days when Republicans were nicer and normal.

Usually, they wait until the next presidential election cycle to play that game, but they're getting a headstart on it this time:

More from The Hill:

We’ve gotten used to ignoring Donald Trump’s verbal assaults on American democracy. When he threatens to “terminate” parts of the Constitution or to use military tribunals to punish his political opponents, we all chuckle and say, “Oh, that’s just Donald!” as if the former president were a harmless, conspiracy-minded drunk uncle at Thanksgiving.  

But JD Vance is something different. 

Trump’s running mate is intelligent, articulate and, as a Yale-trained lawyer, he doesn’t just shoot his mouth off. He knows exactly what he’s saying, and why. In short, you can take everything Vance says both literally and seriously.

And last Saturday, he said something that everyone needs to listen to, whether you are a Republican or a Democrat.

The Leftists do not get to play this game. Not with me.

Donald Trump is -- as they've told me countless times -- such an unique and grave threat to America and democracy and my freedoms that it justifies the media and the Left and the Democrats undermining or abolishing every single norm and ethical standard to prevent Trump from taking office.

Therefore, it's impossible for any Republican to be worse than Donald Trump. You don't top the guy who is going to turn the United States into a real life Gilead. 

I was about 12 years old when Newt Gingrich outlined his Contract With America -- some of the most ambitious and conservative legislation to come out of Washington D.C. in my lifetime, if not in the history of the United States.

It outlined a plan for the first 100 days of the 104th Congress, and the Left has blamed Gingrich for 'destroying' American politics in the intervening years. For simply governing as an actual conservative.

They desperately need a new schtick, but this is the same card they've played for as long as I've been alive. They won't find a new schtick.

But Republicans can find a new way forward.

And that brings me to my larger point, which I will direct at all Republicans including Trump, Vance, and those who will come after.

You will always be the next Hitler.

You will always be worse than the guy who came before you.

So stop worrying about what the media and Democrats say about you and start governing like actual conservatives. When Trump takes the oath of office in January, go absolutely gangbusters on legislation. Take a lesson from Newt Gingrich and the 104th Congress and push your agenda through while the Democrats are still reeling that Trump won reelection.

You'll be smeared as fascists, Hitlers, racist. But guess what? The next guy will be worse, so their criticisms are empty and meaningless.

Ignore them.

And govern.

Voters will thank you.


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