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'Middle Class' Kamala Harris Snags Another Endorsement From a Rich, Spoiled, Privileged Celebrity

AP Photo/Domenico Stinellis

Kamala Harris grew up in a middle class family. Just ask her and she'll tell you, regardless of what your question actually was.

'Kamala, what would you like for lunch?'


'I grew up in a middle class family.'

But we digress. For the supposed champion of the middle and working classes, Kamala Harris has stacked up a plethora of endorsements from rich, privileged celebrities including Oprah, John Legend, and Kerry Washington.

Now 'Hunger Games' star Jennifer Lawrence says she's all in for Kamala (when she's not smearing Mike Pence as a 'closeted gay' that is):

Because abortion.


Lawrence, like the rest of Hollywood, don't care about inflation or the economy because they have so much money it doesn't matter to them if bread and beef cost 50% more or eggs are up 147% under Kamala. It doesn't impact them at all.



And it's unlikely they'd pass abortion legislation. SCOTUS has ruled on this.

They'll blow it all up to kill babies.

The people.

That list is very, very long.


Harsh, but accurate.


It really is grotesque.

So incredibly out of touch.

Real 'A Modest Proposal' vibes here.

Her net worth? About $160 million.

Because priorities.

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