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OH REALLY NOW? Kamala Harris Blamed Inflation on 'Price Gouging', Admits VERY FEW Companies Do It

AP Photo/Eric Risberg, File

Kamala Harris' first big policy proposal of her presidential campaign was lifted straight out of Marx's playbook: price controls. Kamala was very clear back in August: inflation is due to 'greedy' companies engaging in price gouging. 


Her policy would be a disaster and was roundly criticized by this writer and media outlets including CNN.

Now Kamala says 'very few' companies price gouge:

More from The Washington Times:

Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday acknowledged that corporate price gouging is not widespread, despite her campaign’s instance that it’s rampant and tackling it would bring down costs for Americans. 

Speaking at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Leadership Conference, Ms. Harris said it was critical for the administration to tackle “price gouging on behalf of corporations to lower the cost of groceries for Americans.” She accused companies of taking advantage of extreme weather emergencies or the COVID-19 pandemic to raise prices and pad profits.

“People are desperate because of these kinds of emergencies, desperate for support. And then some, you know, corporations — and it’s very few of them that do this — but then jack up prices to make it more difficult for desperate people to just get by,” she said.

Ms. Harris has made combating price gouging one of the tentpoles of her economic proposals, vowing to penalize companies “that exploit crises and break the rules.”


She's so bad at this. Not only was price gouging a lie to begin with -- it was her first and, really, only policy proposal. A bad one, to be sure, but a proposal.

Now she's saying it doesn't happen that frequently.

Which also means inflation is due to the policies of her administration.

Golly, she's terrible at this.

She sure is.

That's painfully clear.

No clue whatsoever.

Makes perfect sense.



She has no plan.

Nope, because even those 'few' don't actually exist.


She's so, so bad at this.

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