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WUT?! NBC News Wants Us to Know Kamala Is Preparing for Trump to Say 'Derogatory Comments' During Debate


This almost sounds like NBC News is hoping Trump says something crass to Kamala, doesn't it?

In fairness, we get it: Kamala was so desperate for her 'I'M SPEAKING' moment she begged for ABC News to change the debate rules. 


But the reality is, Kamala doesn't do well off-script. Heck, she doesn't do well with a script.

This headline (and post), though, is something else:

More from NBC News:

Vice President Kamala Harris has been poring over briefing books and workshopping answers to policy questions while huddling with aides at a Pittsburgh hotel to get ready to face off against former President Donald Trump, according to multiple sources familiar with her preparations for Tuesday’s debate.

Harris has been devising ways to weave her biography into her answers to try to introduce herself to Americans who may still not know much about how she grew up or her career before she ascended to the vice presidency, the sources said. They said she’s even strategized how to approach possibly shaking hands with Trump onstage (the result: it’ll likely be a game-time decision).

For the record, Trump should walk up to her and try to shake her hand.

Let her refuse.

And take her to task on it.


She can't commit to policies because if she's honest about what she'd do, she'd lose 46 states.


And let's be real here: we've seen Kamala off-script. We've seen her in softball interviews with CNN. We've heard her on the radio with Univision.

She doesn't do unscripted.


This writer hopes the Trump debate prep team sees this story and pays attention. Kamala's camp is giving away their strategy here: they will try to take something Trump says and spin it into outrage.

Don't give them that opportunity.

They're not. They've been happening since there were presidential debates.

And she will melt down over it.

Which is funny, because it's true.


She sure is.

This is her Hail Mary play.

Trump needs to make sure she can't execute it.

No lies detected.

And they're telegraphing it.

It really is.

Vapid and pointless.

It sure is.

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