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The Left Thinks You're Too Gullible to Enjoy Freedom of Speech


It's not just Kamala Harris who thinks free speech is a problem. Specifically, she thinks your free speech -- especially if you disagree with her politics -- is a problem. It's why she said something so outrageously unconstitutional and anti-speech even Jake Tapper was aghast.

Which is why I found it very interesting that the same thing Kamala said in the link above was echoed by Judd Legum:

So the fact Musk has millions of followers means he's 'privileged' to be able to speak? That he's subject to government scrutiny, oversight, and censorship because a lot of people might hear what he has to say?

That's the logic here? Because it doesn't pass the smell test.

Let's make it very clear: 'disinformation' is a word Lefties use when what they really mean is 'speech I don't like.'

The subtle shift from just calling this speech 'disinformation' to talking about the reach of such speech is telling here.

Merely calling it 'disinformation' no longer carries weight. Like calling someone 'racist' or 'homophobic', the Left has played that card so many times it is devoid of all meaning. They call everything racist, which means nothing is, etc.

Remember what they did with 'global warming.' When people starting realizing Earth did not, in fact, have a fever the terminology switched to 'climate change' -- a catch-all phrase that gave them cover for saying both hot weather and cold weather were signs human activity was messing up the planet.

Control the language, control the narrative and the people.

In the same vein as 'racism' and 'homophobia', overuse of 'disinformation' is its undoing: if everything the Left doesn't like magically falls under the umbrella of 'disinformation', that word has lost all of its sting. So rather than continue down that path, they're pivoting to saying the number of people hearing so-called 'disinformation' is now the problem.

And the implication here is clear: they think millions of people -- including people like you and me -- are too stupid and gullible to discern 'disinformation' from fact. They're also terrified we might listen to arguments that persuade us to Right-wing thinking (or just non-Leftist thinking). They find the thought of that intolerable.

If what Elon Musk (or Donald Trump or anyone) was saying was disproved by facts, they could share the facts. Debate the merits of the claim in the public sphere -- that's what X is meant to do, after all.

But no, they cannot defend their positions on the merits and they cannot dispute that which they lable 'disinformation.' 

So they go the route of every tyrant, ever: censorship. Government control of social media, under the guise of protecting what people like you and me hear and read (and therefore what we think).

It is not a privilege. It is a right, and a fundamental one. One that is not meant to protect friendly banter about the weather, but to protect the ability to say what is on our mind, especially things critical about the people who would govern us and their policies.

When anyone talks about regulating that speech, or calls it a privilege, it is a red flag: the sign of a budding tyrant itching at the idea of controlling what you read, say, and hear.

Despite what Kamala thinks, we're all smart enough to know that.


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