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WaPo Columnist Gets WRECKED for Saying It's 'Not Good' to Allow Parents to Give Their Kids Advantages

Meme screenshot

We've all known for a while the Left hates when parents act like parents and do things like read to their children. Reading and writing are, after all, 'white supremacy' (according to the Left). Along with other 'white supremacist' behavior like having a work ethic, manners, and being on time for work.


The argument is these things give whites an unfair advantage. The Left calls this 'equity' but what it really is is socialism and the soft bigotry of low expectations. 

So we're not surprised a WaPo Opinion columnist -- Megan McArdle -- says it's 'unfair' for parents to give their kids an advantage over others.

She's speaking in the context of estate and capital gains taxes -- that it's wrong to leave wealth to your kids.

She got absolutely wrecked for this asinine take, too.

But it's not fair!

Except for her and the rest of the elite class. Those rules won't apply to them.


She'd be very confused by it.

In her eyes, this is unfair and should be taxed or outlawed becauses some parents won't or can't do this.

No, it shouldn't.

Kamala Harris believes in the collective, though. And this is what it looks like.

The people who have politics Megan likes, that's who.


But you're so mean! It's unfair to other kids!

Nothing will stop the majority of parents.

It sure is.

Everyone except for themselves.

It sure is.

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