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Rejoice! JK Rowling Returns to X in Wake of Imane Khelif Lawsuit (Let the Left's Wailing Begin)


The last time J.K. Rowling posted on X was August 7. Her haters took her radio silence -- following news that Olympic boxer Imane Khelif was suing Rowling and Elon Musk for cyberbullying -- as proof that someone finally shut her up. Rowling, they said, was scared to post because of the lawsuit.


Hahahahahahaha. They were so, so wrong. You'd think they'd remember that it was Rowling who told Scottish authorities to arrest her. She called their bluff and the Scottish authorities didn't do a thing.

Why would a lawsuit from a boxer no one new existed until a few weeks ago cow her into silence now?

It didn't. Rowling was on holiday. And now she's back

Clearly Rowling and her lawyers are undeterred by the cyberbullying suit.

It also survives by threats and harassment, often government-endorsed.

Australia has gone off the rails, for sure. And we're certain Rowling will be talking about it.


Oh, this isn't gonna stop the haters:

As we said above -- Rowling and her vasy cadre of lawyers clearly think the suit is a nonstarter, so yes. She's posting.

Cope and seethe.

Perfect meme.

And we're positive she doesn't care one iota about their hurt feels.

This made us chuckle.

Of course Rowling doesn't hate Khelif, and anyone with a brain knows that. But we're talking about Leftists, so brains are optional.

The Left -- who lose their mind if you wear a 'culturally insensitive' Halloween costume are completely fine with turning women into farcical caricatures.

Here's some more haters who are so mad they can't shut Rowling up:


You mad, bro?

She's not hateful, so no.

Sure, Jan. Whatever you say.

Anywho. Back to sanity.

Because they have no real argument and rely on being bullies to silence their critics. Rowling has both the ability to counter their nonsense and the spine to stand up to them.

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