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U.K. Plans to Treat 'Extreme Misogyny' As 'Terrorism' (Guess Who'll Get to Define Misogyny)

David Young/PA via AP

What could possibly go wrong here? The U.K. -- which has let in droves of immigrants from countries where women are basically chattel -- is realizing it might have a misogyny problem.


More from The Guardian:

The home secretary, Yvette Cooper, has vowed to crack down on people “pushing harmful and hateful beliefs”, including extreme misogyny, as she announced a new approach to fighting extremism.

The Home Office has commissioned a rapid review to inform a new government counter-extremism strategy on how best to tackle the threat posed by extremist ideologies online and offline.

The review will assess the ideological spectrum and is intended to address “gaps in the current system” that leave the country exposed to hateful or harmful activity that promotes violence or undermines democracy.

Officials will assess “the rise of Islamist and far-right extremism” alongside “ideological trends” that have gained traction including extreme misogyny. The scheme also aims to assess the causes and conduct of radicalisation of young people online and offline.

The question is, as always, who gets to define 'extreme misogyny'?

We're going to guess the Islamists -- like the gangs of groomers -- will get a pass because it's their 'culture' (as we told you about here) while women who call 'trans women' what they really are (men) will be charged.


The U.K. arrests people over Facebook posts, after all. So there's no way this legislation doesn't get abused and misapplied.

Funny how they can define 'woman' again when they need to pass legislation, isn't it?

'We must respect their sincerely held religious beliefs' is what they'll say, as they throw grandma in jail for hurting someone's feelings on X.

No, no, no -- not that kind of misogyny.

Of course. There's always an exception.

Of course.



We all know how it goes -- politically favored groups like Muslims and 'trans women' are protected. British citizens and women are not.

He'd probably babble about 'far-Right' extremists and Christians or something.

It'll be fascinating to see if the abuse hurled at 'TERFs' qualifies as 'extreme misogyny. Or if it's okay to call for the decapitation of women because they call men men.

Our money says it won't.

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