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Democrats Bring Joyful Segregation to DNC

Artist Angie

The Left loves to tell everyone the Republicans are racists. That they'd put Black Americans back in chains if given the chance.

It's all pure projection. We've covered the racially segregated Zoom calls for Kamala -- first the AWFLs and then the dudes -- and now the morning schedule for the opening day of the DNC has been published online.


More segregation.

If this were any other event, the Left would be rioting.


The Left love their regressive politics.

Excellent questions.

'Unity through division.'

Right back to 1952.

Well done, Democrats.

That'll be Monday through Friday, 24/7.


The optics of this entire thing are amazing.

Divide and conquer.

They'd lose their minds.

They're hypocrites, so, yeah.

Not a chance. This is who they are.

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