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TIME Tries to 'Reintroduce' Kamala Harris, but We Already Know Who She Is

AP Photo/Matt Kelley

There's a reason Kamala Harris has had a couple of 'reboots' during her tenure as VP. She's wildly unpopular -- even among the Democratic Party base. Which is why she got few votes and even fewer delegates in 2020, and why she was coronated as the nominee this year. The last time they tried to revamp her image with the public was November of last year, amid terrible approval ratings


Guess that didn't work, huh?

But TIME Magazine is gonna try again, gosh darn it. Maybe this time people will like her. 

All the cringe.

Here's how they spin this:

If you’d predicted this scene a month ago to anyone following the race, they would never have believed you. But Harris has pulled off the swiftest vibe shift in modern political history. A contest that revolved around the cognitive decline of a geriatric President has been transformed: Joe Biden is out, Harris is in, and a second Donald Trump presidency no longer seems inevitable. Democrats resigned to a “grim death march” toward certain defeat, as one national organizer put it, felt their gloom replaced by a jolt of hope.

Oh, puke.

She's been vice president for three-plus years, plus Senator from California before that.

We know her.

Unburdened by what has been and unburdened by reality.

The McRib is more likable, too.


Bingo. Why? Because Kamala is a radical Leftist, which will lose her the election.

That sums it up, and they're trying to hide all this.

TIME is not aware of this. Intentionally so.

This describes it so perfectly.

*Chef's kiss*

The portrait even has a subtle halo, so yeah.

They sure did.

Remind us what the definition of insanity is again?


Bask in it.


Or something.


She sure did.

As subtle as a Sherman tank.

And a patron saint.

You don't despise the media enough.

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