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What Is Wrong With the Secret Service? After Breaking Into Salon, Agency Is WALKING BACK Its Apology

Meme screenshot

Yesterday we told you about the Secret Service breaking into a Massachusetts salon. An agent covered a security camera with tape before the agency picked the lock and let people attending a nearby Kamala Harris fundraiser into the business to use the restroom.


It was an egregious violation of privacy and of local and state laws. The agency apologized for it and now they're walking back that apology.

More from Fox News:

The U.S. Secret Service has hinted it was not involved in the break-in of a hair salon during a Kamala Harris campaign event in Massachusetts late last month. 

The allegations of Secret Service involvement arose after the salon’s owner, Alicia Powers, alleged that agents put duct tape over her security cameras and broke into her building by picking the lock. 

Security camera footage shows an individual dressed like a Secret Service agent approaching the door with a roll of tape and observing the locked door and camera before grabbing a nearby chair to put tape over the camera. 


"We hold these relationships in the highest regard and our personnel would not enter, or instruct our partners to enter, a business without the owner’s permission," McKenzie said, stopping short of saying who was responsible. 

So if they weren't involved, why did they issue an apology?

Who is running the Secret Service, and why are they terrible at their jobs?

This is, of course, small potatoes compared to the agencies utter failure to protect President Donald Trump on July 13, but part of a trouble pattern of disregard, lacking professionalism, and zero accountability at the agency.


Who you gonna believe? The lying Secret Service or your own eyes?

It's a simple yes or no question.

Hear that? It's the sound of crickets.

They don't care.

As if we all didn't see the video or the initial story.

As this was a Kamala fundraiser, what did her campaign know? Did the campaign authorize or encourage this?

The government is corrupt to the core.

And now they're walking back this apology.


It's a two-tier justice system now, ready and willing to engage in massive lawfare against anyone who challenges it.

Never let them forget.

Because they're terrible at this.

And that's a very serious problem.

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