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NewsGuard Censors Come Knocking for Jonathan Turley

Sarah D.

About a week ago, journalist and legal analyst Jonathan Turley wrote about NewGuard -- an organization that 'rates' news sites and leans hard to the Left (surprise, surprise) -- that Turley described as 'created by to Chief Executive Officers Steven Brill and Gordon Crovitz to monitor and effectively blacklist media that they deemed misinformative or false' and one the Biden administration is in bed with.


Well, now Turley is getting some questions from NewsGuard:

Turley writes:

Recently, I wrote a Hill column criticizing NewsGuard, a rating operation being used to warn users, advertisers, educators and funders away from media outlets based on how it views the outlets’ “credibility and transparency.”

Roughly a week later, NewsGuard came knocking at my door. My blog, Res Ipsa (jonathanturley.org), is now being reviewed and the questions sent by NewsGuard were alarming, but not surprising.

I do not know whether the sudden interest in my site was prompted by my column. I have previously criticized NewsGuard as one of the most sophisticated operations being used to “white list” and “black list” sites.

My new book, “The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage,” details how such sites fit into a massive censorship system that one federal court called “Orwellian.”

For any site criticizing the media or the Biden administration, the most chilling words today are “I’m from NewsGuard and I am here to rate you.”

Conservatives have long accused the company of targeting conservative and libertarian sites and carrying out the agenda of its co-founder Steven Brill. Conversely, many media outlets have heralded his efforts to identify disinformation sites for advertisers and agencies.


This is gestapo-level stuff.

And every single journalist should be in an uproar. But few are, and we all know why: they're fine with labeling any website they don't like as 'misinformation' and 'misleading' to 1) rid them of competition and 2) protect the Democratic Party regime.

An absolute threat to a free press and the First Amendment.

They are absolutely looking to strip Turley of any revenue.

Because that's what fascists do.

With the blessing of the Biden administration, it seems.


It sure is.

Most do know, but there's an alarming number of people who not only believe places like NewsGuard but also 

Exactly this.

We can only hope so.

It should alarm everyone.



Anything that gets in the way of the narrative is a problem.

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