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Riley Gaines Cheers As AR Supreme Court Upholds Biology, Eliminates 'Gender Neutral' Option for State IDs

AP Photo/Hannah Schoenbaum

States have an obligation to not only acknowledge biological reality, but to enforce laws that establish and maintain accurate records. Like state-issued IDs. Florida did something similar, which the trans activist Left called an 'attack' on trans people.


Arkansas also joins the ranks of accurate public records.

More from Fox News:

The Arkansas Supreme Court eliminated the option for residents to use a neutral gender identification on their state ID cards Tuesday.

The ruling reinstates a state law that had banned the use of "X" as an option for gender identification. A lower court had blocked the bill earlier this month, arguing it would do harm to transgender residents.

Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin, a Republican, praised Tuesday's ruling in a public statement.

"I applaud the Arkansas Supreme Court’s decision staying the circuit court’s unlawful order and allowing the Department of Finance and Administration to bring its identification rules into compliance with state law," he said.

It's the correct decision.

Sanity is slowly returning.




Not everyone was happy about the ruling though.

Sure, Adam. Whatever you say.

Slowly but surely.

The ACLU has completely lost the plot.

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