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After Lying Repeatedly, DOJ Releases Emails PROVING They Tracked Moms for Liberty As a Hate Group

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Moms for Liberty has been a thorn in the side of the Left since its inception, so much so they have to lie about what the organization does and stands for. That's par for the course for the Left, of course. What's not normal and what should scare us all is when the DOJ decides to 'track' such an organization, simply because the powers that be don't like its politics.


Which is precisely what the Biden DOJ did.


Rosiak reports:

A Department of Justice unit dedicated to “preventing and responding to” “hate crimes” tracked the conservative education policy group Moms for Liberty in the same manner it tracked the Ku Klux Klan, according to internal emails obtained by The Daily Wire.

Moms For Liberty was tracked by the DOJ’s Community Relations Service (CRS) alongside symbols such as the noose, the Confederate flag, and the swastika. The only other groups whose movements were similarly tracked, the emails show, were the Ku Klux Klan, a second KKK-style group, and the Oath Keepers.

The DOJ concealed the records from the public by ignoring a Freedom of Information Act request, but released them pursuant to a lawsuit filed by America First Legal on behalf of The Daily Wire. They show the Community Relations Service, which says its role is “preventing and responding to community tensions and hate crimes, bias, bullying, and discrimination,” tracked targets like Moms for Liberty through Google and LexisNexis alerts.


This government is beyond ridiculous.


He sure did.

Never. They'll never be held accountable for this.

Our government sees moms as a threat. As 'domestic terrorists.'

Think about that.

They have their priorities. That much is VERY clear.


Don't forget the role the SPLC played in this.

And not one politician will hold them accountable.

Between this and Title IX impacting our daughters, we hope the suburban mom vote goes bye-bye for Democrats.

Leftism. That's what.

And it's bad.


We all knew this was happening.


Fight back.


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