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JOLT: Axios Warns Latino Working-Class Voters Are Shifting to Republican Party

AP Photo

A stagnant, contracted economy. Open, unsecured borders. Increased crime in blue cities. Transgender nonsense, including 'Latinx' pronouns. Sorry, our bad -- Latine is the pronoun now.


It's not hard to imagine why the Democratic Party is losing voters -- especially the ongoing exodus of the white working-class voter. It's been painfully clear the Democratic Party neither cares about nor wants those voters for a while now, but they're also pushing other voters away from the party and into the arms of Republicans.

More from Axios:

The decades-long exodus of white working-class voters from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party has a new jolt: Latino working-class voters are joining the shift.

Why it matters: To win key swing states, President Biden needs the support of some dissatisfied white, Latino and Black working-class voters who polls suggest are upset about inflation and some Democratic policies.

The big picture: Six swing states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — are widely expected to decide the Biden-Trump rematch.

  • Voters without a college education will be key players in each state.
  • Working-class voters also could tip tight Senate and House races in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Montana, Texas and Maryland at a time when both chambers have narrow majorities.

State of play: Biden's poll numbers have been rising lately, but several surveys have indicated he is underperforming with non-white voters without college degrees — a constituency that has long been overwhelmingly Democratic.

  • A YouGov poll commissioned by the Progressive Policy Institute at the end of 2023 found that working-class voters overwhelmingly believe they're worse off today than similar voters did 40 years ago.

And Biden isn't doing much to help the situation.

Imagine telling a culture with a gendered language they have to change it to make white Leftists feel better, and thinking you're the good guys.

The economy is a big part of it.


No, race isn't an issue.

Getting screwed by the government is.

They sure do.

Keep it up, Lefties.

Nailed it.



They were warned.

As Napoleon once said, 'Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.'


That's the key to winning them back, we're sure of it.

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