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ADL Echos Call to Regulate Online Games, Gets Community Note Treatment Instead


We've written about the ADL before, most recently when they refused to classify Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale as left-wing because they argued all shooters are inherently 'right-wing.' Because reasons.


But they're also very sure that video games are causing 'extremists radicalization', and calling on Congress to regulate them:

From The Hill:

But these efforts to rein in social media overlook the gargantuan online gaming industry. Video games comprise the largest entertainment industry by far, grossing almost $200 billion in revenue in 2022 (more than the music and film industries combined). Today, online gaming sites offer far more than entertainment — they are social platforms that channel user communication and enable networking and community building. 

Online games should be part of the regulatory discussion concerning digital platforms — but they seldom are.

Discussions of harms in gaming historically have focused on fears about the content of the games themselves. However, the social environment of games is what actually poses significant threats to players’ safety and well-being. Exposure to hateful speech is routine while doxxing — exposing someone’s private identifying information — and physical threats are also common. Of acute concern is mounting evidence that extremists and other bad actors take advantage of the preexisting toxic gamer culture to disseminate their hateful ideologies and unleash hate-based harassment.


They also got the Community Note treatment:

While there is ongoing research into the effects of video games on behavior, the evidence does not definitively support the notion that they directly cause radicalization or violence. 



The 'video games cause violence' argument has been around for years, with little evidence to support the argument.

So certain in their position, the ADL locked down replies, but got ratio'd to oblivion in the quote-tweets.

No is the only correct answer to this.

Connect the dots.


Aren't they stunning and brave?

It is well-deserved.

This is a fight the ADL is going to lose.

If that's their issue, it's adorable. Not like the Left hasn't tried to destroy games they don't like. Remember when 'Hogwarts: Legacy' dropped and the trans crowd tried to boycott it? Yeah, it made $1 billion in sales

A good rule to live by.

Also, this.


There is not one facet of your life they don't want to regulate and politicize.

100% of the time, guaranteed.


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