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'Is This a Parody?' Police Investigating First Metaverse Virtual Gang Rape

AP Photo/Nasser Nasser

As technology advances, so do the ways people can abuse that technology, and the lines can get blurred between the virtual and the real worlds.

Take, for example, this story from The New York Post.


They write:

British police are investigating the alleged gang rape of a girl’s avatar in a virtual reality game, in what is believed to be the first probe of its kind involving the metaverse.

The alleged victim, identified only as a girl under 16, was wearing a virtual reality headset in an immersive game when her avatar, an animated representation of her, was raped by those of several men, the Daily Mail first reported.

Although the accuser did not sustain any physical injuries, she may have suffered trauma similar to someone who’d been raped in real life, police sources told the outlet.

“There is an emotional and psychological impact on the victim that is longer-term than any physical injuries,” a senior officer familiar with the case told the outlet.

First, the fact that this investigation is happening in Britain isn't shocking. They don't concern themselves so much with real crime but will arrest you if you say someone looks like a lesbian.

And while we understand that rape is traumatic, this is a video game. An 'animated representation' of someone.


Twitter/X users were skeptical of this story and the police involvement:

Nope, very real police.

That was our facial expression, too.

What a time to be alive.

We laughed out loud at this.

We're gonna go with 'no' on this one.

That seems like the solution, yet here we are.

Losers and creeps, that's who. And, if it's some stupid teenage boys, the parents need to do a better job of monitoring their online behavior.

The investigation is weird.

Apparently, no.


It'll be interesting to see if this is where that leads.

That's exactly what we thought, as we said earlier.

Taking the headset off gives the woman more agency than going to the police.

This opens up a giant can of worms. Huge.

And we have to wonder if the blurring of lines between virtual worlds and reality is causing this problem. Realizing it's essentially the Metaverse is essentially a video game you can shut off is key here.


It is a world of pure imagination.

We need to remind people of that.

We can't believe no one didn't realize that idiots would try this stuff in the Metaverse and program accordingly. 

Truth, sadly, is stranger than fiction.


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