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Ireland: We Must Restrict Rights for the ’Greater Good’

The Greater Good Meme

Caveat: this video is about five months old. But it's popping back up on Twitter/X again because things in Ireland have been very tense.

Here's some background: right before Thanksgiving, a lone 40-something man stabbed a woman and several children in Dublin. Angry Irish citizens rioted, ostensibly about the country's immigration policies, saying enough was enough.


Rather than addressing the issues of immigration, and the stabbing, Irish politicians have focused on the real problem: free speech.

Censoring it, of course, is for the 'greater good.'

If 'you have rights' is followed by 'but' -- you do not have rights.

Yes, we would.

Freedom is the ultimate common good.


We all know.

Neither did we.

It'll go over like a lead balloon, we're sure.

Without a doubt.

Yes, we are.

Exactly. The government giveth, and the government taketh away. Keep that in mind.


And it's important because Ireland is very eager to pass new laws limiting speech in the wake of the Dublin riots. Including laws concerning memes.

And we're sure those laws will only apply to certain groups of people, and not the actual violent people. You know, like the guy who stabbed children.

St. Patrick has some more snakes to drive out of Ireland.

No, it's not.


Yes, it is. Unless the Irish people rise up and vote these fascists out.


Yes it does.

Gonna burn those books, Ireland?

Defend both with every fiber of your being.

They're the only things standing between us and tyranny like they're pushing in Ireland.


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