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WATCH as Trump Reveals That He Totally Worked for McDonald's, Too! For Realsies!

Grok (AI)

What? You don’t believe us and our totally real and not at all AI picture?

Well … you shouldn’t. Yeah, that’s an AI pic and, no, the video we are about to show you isn’t real. Instead, Trump’s Best Impersonator, Shawn Farash, seems to have been inspired by the question of whether Kamala genuinely worked for McDonald’s enough to come up with this latest bit and it’s a banger. Contrary to the title of this piece, we recommend that you close your eyes, because visually, he doesn’t look very much like him (but his mannerisms are pretty great):


We honestly never knew that about the history of McDonald’s. That Michael Keaton movie The Founder ….

…is apparently totally full of crud. Who knew?

(Actually, it’s a good movie, but we never trust a movie that is allegedly ‘based on a true story’ to be historically accurate, anyway.)

No, no, that is McDowell’s. It’s a common mistake.

(For the record, we are skipping over most of the responses that just say that this is well done, because they are repetitive. But don't think from this sampling that there weren't a lot of them.)


True fact: In Japan, they have trouble saying Ronald, so instead the character is called Donald McDonald.

Now, that is a campaign slogan.

We honestly forgot about this until ‘AnRan’ reminded us, but Farash has also done bits where he pretended to be Trump in a McDonald’s drive thru:


Also, someone played with a real ad for McDonald’s, starring Donald Trump.


And yes, that is a real ad. Here’s the full version:

So … technically, Trump really did work for McDonald’s. Or at least an ad company paid by McDonald’s, which is close enough for us!

Finally, we’re pretty sure that is supposed to be Kamala:

Uh … no comment.

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