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War on Women: Check Out This Blatant Discrimination Against Women at the Democratic National Convention


Susan Ferrechio is a reporter for the Washington Times and she observed some pretty blatant discrimination against women at Commie Con the Democratic National Convention:


(You might see a false community note attached. We'll get to this in a moment.)

That’s right, there is a men’s restroom, but no women’s restroom: Only a gender-neutral restroom for women. We are reminded faintly of an old piece we wrote when Johns Hopkins University was caught defining gay men as more or less men who were into men, while defining ‘lesbian’ as ‘a non-man attracted to non-men.’

But this is considerably darker. Can we be honest for a moment, here? Why do we have separate bathrooms for men and women? It’s not to protect men from women. It’s to protect women from men. Obviously, not every man is a problem (most men aren’t) and some women are absolutely predators, but men are more likely to be rapists or other kins of creeps toward women, than the other way around. Segregating our bathrooms by sex is a method of protecting women from all kinds of creepy behavior from invasions of privacy and to actual assaults. Frankly, this author would rather they flipped it around and made it so they had a women’s restroom and only a gender-neutral bathroom available for men.

But the discrimination against women, where men get their own bathroom, but women don’t get their own restroom is utterly unjustifiable. We think there is an undercurrent of aggressive misogyny behind it—and we are not inclined to use the term misogyny lightly. We are reminded of places putting urinals in women’s restrooms:


Honestly, how is one supposed to interpret that as anything but the aggressive exclusion of natural women in their own restrooms? Both sexes can use a stall—we might argue about putting up the seat, but both sexes can use it. But only a person with a penis (real or fake) can use a urinal. A natural woman can’t.

Of course, there were people who tried to claim that this was false … with their own false information:

There was even a person trying to attack her, who had the wrong building:

But the fail is worse than that, because 'Truth Bombs' is still showing that in this other building 1) the upper right corner of that building has no women’s restroom, but it does have a men’s room and 2) the building has more men’s restrooms than women’s restrooms. The second point seems to be particularly unfair to women. Not to put too fine a point on it, but in this author's experience women need more restrooms/more stalls than men. We are much more likely to see a line in front of a woman’s restroom than a man’s. So, if any sex should surrender a bathroom on the altar of transgender nonsense, it should be men if only because we could cope with losing a restroom more easily than women.


In any case, do we have to tell you that the DNC got dragged over this?

These days biologists have been roped into this madness.

We are old enough to remember when Virginia Woolf argued that women should have 'A Room of One's Own.' Now, they can't get a bathroom of their own.


By the way, a big thank you to ‘JungleCogs’ in the comments to this post giving us the ‘Commie Con’ joke.

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