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BREAKING: WATCH as Pro-Hamass Forces Break Down Perimeter Fence at Dem Convention, Clash With Police

AP Photo

So, is this an insurrection or nah?

We’re literally shaking, folks. We are seeing a coup occurring live at the Democratic National Convention.

Er, we mean, besides the one that installed Kamala Harris as the nominee. No, we are talking about a different coup where people break down perimeter fence around the DNC, because they support Hamass, with the plain goal of bringing their violence into the convention itself.


To answer Sortor’s question, here are some police:


Of course, we have a feeling that if they were wearing MAGA hats, and flying pro-Trump flags (or even American flags), we would be seeing cries that this is a coup, an attempt to disrupt the democratic process by disrupting a major party convention. That would lead to arrests, a national FBI dragnet, hearings, Adam Kinzinger crying, attempts to remove people from the ballot and so on.

But Democrats have to win Michigan so these pro-Hamass protesters might at most get arrested and then see any charges dropped, and none of those other responses. No Kinsinger tears will be shed. We are always reluctant to predict future bad behavior but it’s happened with every other instance of Democrat-approved politically-motivated violence since at least 2017, so we feel pretty safe predicting the pattern will continue.


Of course, the larger political context—besides winning Michigan—is that Democrats are afraid of a repeat of the kind of violence we saw at the Democratic Convention in 1968. This author has made no detailed study of those events, but it is generally believed that the chaos in ’68 bolstered Nixon’s ‘law and order’ pitch during the subsequent election. In other words, it is common political wisdom that the chaos at the Democratic Convention gave Nixon the election, and they are afraid Trump will benefit similarly.

But that depends on the public learning of the chaos and the media is covering for Democrats to a shocking degree these days. So, please do your best to support conservative media like Twitchy and the Townhall family, and to generally penetrate the leftist media cocoons.

Naturally, this a breaking story, so stay tuned for any updates either in this post or in a separate post.

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