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Rep. Mesha Mainor: 'The Democrat Party left ME'

AP Photo/Alex Slitz

We told you earlier today how Georgia (state) representative Mesha Mainor decided to switch from the Democratic Party to the Republican party, with apparently school choice being the triggering issue for her. But she has more to say about why she left:


Sorry, Ma’am, but according to the geriatric racist in the White House, you’re no longer black:

Jokes aside, she explains a little more about why she left the Democratic party—or more precisely in what ways it left her behind—here:

While we would love to hear her speak a little more about her precise disagreements with the current Democratic Party, this is all solid stuff and, well … good for her. We have never felt blind loyalty to any politician or party. We judge candidates and parties issue-by-issue, and vote for the people who we think advances our agenda the best—or is least harmful to it, as the case may be. We recommend that most people do the same, but we are wise enough to know not everyone does.


But, hey, don’t you know that Republicans are eeeeeevvvvviiiiiillllll?!


This even led to a back-and-forth:

Honestly, the evil of slavery was so deep we kind of recoil at comparing anything too closely to it without very good cause. The fact is her prior membership in the Democratic Party was voluntary and her current membership in the Republican Party is, too. We imagine she felt some pressure to maintain it, but no one had a gun to her head and to compare it to actual slavery seems gross.

On the other hand, we also know it is an extremely common metaphor in politics. We just kind of wish it wasn’t so common.

Sorry, the Democratic Party has moved severely to the left in the last few years. We should absolutely expect some people to say ‘we’re not going with you anymore.’ Right or wrong, when a party moves away from certain positions, it should expect to leave some people behind. That’s just logic.


cHaNgInG yOuR mInD iS fRaUd!!!

Good lord, people like this are literal fascists—he wants it to be a crime to disagree with him. 

And while he is entitled to his fascist views, it is a fundamentally unamerican viewpoint. The fundamental idea behind our system is that people can be persuaded. Why does he think Congress even exists, or the legislature of any state? The entire premise of such a body is for people who represent the people back home to talk to each other and try to find ways to persuade each other, to compromise and to work together. This means sometimes someone decides that at one time they belonged to one political party, but now they agree more with another party. Simply put, it is not a bug in our political system: It is a feature.

And this chucklehead wants it to be a crime. Fortunately, his view would never get past the Supreme Court.

This genius doesn’t understand the concept of a ‘breaking point’ but he calls someone else stupid.


Is she saying Ms. Mainor is a white supremacist, now? Good lord.

And this one is being a lot clearer on this point:

For the record, it is actually pretty common to call it the Democrat Party and the whole thing seems like debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, but you do you.


Gee, maybe then Democrats should stop waging the culture war.

Finally, this man touches on a good point:

Honestly, if she is paying any attention to twitter, she is probably taking the leftist nastiness as proof she made the right decision.


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