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New rumor on departure of Tucker Carlson PLUS new Don Lemon drama

First up, let’s talk about the shocking departure of Tucker Carlson. Earlier, we published a piece discussing Yashar Ali’s story about it. Now, we are seeing a slightly different rumor about what went down. Bluntly, we don’t know who is right, we are simply sharing it and you should take it with a huge grain of salt:


This was backed up by another Tweeter:

And he feels vindicated, slightly, by Mr. Ali’s tweet:

Again, we don’t know if any of these people are telling the truth. Further, even if they were being honest, they still might be wrong. ‘Snoop,’ for instance, doesn’t tell us who his source is so we don’t know if this is hearsay from a person who had direct knowledge, ‘double hearsay’ (hearsay within hearsay) or worse.

However, it is fair to point out that the two stories might be reconcilable and it does start to answer the question ‘Why now?’ To engage in speculation, it may be the case that Carlson said something like ‘Either we air the segment or I walk!’ and Murdoch decided to say something like, ‘Fine, then walk.’ In that situation, it is easy to see how someone hearing Murdoch’s version might think Tucker was fired, while from Mr. Carlson’s perspective, he quit. We don’t know if that is true, but it would reconcile Ali’s version with these rumors.


Regardless of what the truth is, it seems like more sunlight is a good idea:

Amen to that.

Of course, the problem is that Carlson might not be able to speak right now due to a non-disclosure agreement or non-disparagement agreement. He might really want to explain what happened and not be able to without being sued into oblivion.

Meanwhile, there is apparently a dispute between Don Lemon and CNN regarding his departure:

As noted by the community notes, this is disputed by CNN itself:

Hat tip to Tweeter Fusilli Spock who tweets:

Of course, since he is apparently from the Star Trek evil mirror universe, we really can’t trust him. (Yes, we are kidding.)

Also, Aaron Rupar, who is one of the least trustworthy voices on Twitter, makes this claim:


So, where the Tucker Carlson rumors should be taken with a grain of salt, this should be taken with an entire salt lick.

In any case, hopefully, the truth will start coming out in a definitive way in both situations.

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