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Yale Law Professor Steps on ALL the Rakes Lamenting the Lack of Due Process for Deported Gang Members


This writer has often said the Left's compassion for any given person is inversely proportional to how innocent that person is. This is why the Left is all-in on abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy but vehemently against the death penalty, even for the most violent of criminals.


So it's not surprising the Left love, love, love themselves some illegal immigrant gang members. Those gang members are some of the most dangerous, vile, and destructive people on the planet and the Left welcomes them with open arms.

Parents at school board meetings? Catholics? Veterans? Those people are all domestic terrorists despite no supporting evidence whatsoever.

These now-deported gang members? Innocent victims denied due process.

At least according to a law professor.

This is exactly what we voted for.

Democrats had no problem with what happened to them.

Someone is making bank writing scripts for Leftists to parrot without thinking.


For the record, we're fine with the Left being vocally supportive of violent gang members.

It'll help keep them out of office.

They lived off our tax dollars for years, they got their 'due process.'

We bet the professor didn't lament Jan 6 defendants who were uprooted from their lives and families.


Most Americans agree with this position.

We hope the Left keeps defending murderers, drug dealers, and sex traffickers.

It'll go so well for them in the midterms.


Funny how the professor ignored that context.

And they fall into his trap every single time.

This writer, however, is willing to negotiate. If the professor lets these criminal gang members live in her house, they can stay until due process plays out.

Otherwise, she can take all the seats.

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