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'Juuuuust STFU'! CNN bound and determined to ruin Independence Day for Americans but they ain't havin' ANY of it


It … it might be HOT on July 4th!


This would be the first time in the history of Independence Day where it might be HOT. Even though the holiday is in the summer.


Man, these a-holes in traditional media really want Americans to feel down and out, defeated, unmotivated, hopeless, even as we begin to climb out of this ridiculous lockdown world. Ask yourselves why they do that. Could it be they know without fear and panic they have nothing to write about? That since they lost Trump their audience has dwindled?

Or maybe they’re just a bunch of … well, a-holes.

Perhaps we should embrace the power of ‘and.’

Take a look at this nonsense:

They’ll get you, my pretty, and your little fireworks TOO!

*eye roll*

From CNN:

The weather on the Fourth of July will either be too wet, too hot or too dry, depending on location, as many people look to get outside and celebrate Independence Day for the first time in two years.

You know what, we can’t even with this story.

The weather could be iffy for an outdoor event.

Gosh, that’s never happened before.



Of course, it’s not news.

But they don’t really have anything else to talk about so here we are.

And anything to make people feel bad about this nation’s birthday.


It can be.

And it is.

Because they suck.



‘Dude, they spy on ALL OF US’: Jonah Goldberg’s smug spoiler alert claiming the NSA isn’t spying on Tucker Carlson BACKFIRES

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‘He’s DEFINITELY not mad. Nope.’ (Oh, he IS!) Popehat’s old thread about Manhattan DA ‘rolling the dice’ on Trump case did NOT age well, at all

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