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Here's a Collection of All the IDs That Foreign Nationals Have Ditched Before...
Obama Bro Tommy Vietor Says It's Hard to Overstate How Catastrophic a Rafah...
Commie Clash: Cruddy Keffiyeh-Clad Libs Converge on Conceited Costume-Clad Libs at the Met...
Gay X User Claims Mississippi Is Just Like Gaza in Desperate Bid to...
Judge Threatens to Jail Donald Trump for Violating Gag Order
Former Columnist Describes the 'Ideological Capture' of Scientific American
Former CNN Correspondent Horrified to Find Herself in the Company of *Shudder* TRUMP...
Race-Obsessed Activists Mad Gaza Protests Aren't About THEM. Nikole Hannah-Jones Race Bait...
Prison Cell: Bizarre Video of 'Coffin Room' for Family of Five MAJORLY Mocked...
Need a Tissue? ESPN Writer Whines About Tom Brady Roast
Reuters Falls for Hamas 'Ceasefire' Propaganda
Former 'Obama Guy' and Tea Company CEO Clutches Pearls Over Police Officers Carrying...
Incoherent Imbecile: Pro-Hamas Lefty Gets WRECKED After Complaining IDF Dropped Leaflets i...
DEFIANCE: Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders Signs EO Directing Schools to Ignore Biden's Title...

'The dam has BROKEN': Dr. Pradheep Shanker uses NYT bombshell to blister Andrew Cuomo and the media in PAINFULLY perfect thread

Too bad it took a YEAR for the media to report on the gross and quite frankly DEADLY lies Andrew Cuomo told about his COVID response. One can’t help but wonder if lives may have actually been saved if they weren’t more concerned with dunking on Trump than they were on reporting the truth …


Pradheep’s thread is pretty spot-on and painful, like any good thread on Twitter should be.

Who does Cuomo sound like?

They would have fileted Trump for saying something like this. Remember when they spent a whole news cycle telling the world Trump told people to inject themselves with bleach? Good times.


Since it’s Cuomo they’ll look away and try to find a way to blame Trump.


So they didn’t bother to call him out.



And his response was the worst in the country.

Shame on them all.

Holding journalists accountable is rooted in white supremacy or something.


But Trump!




Get. The. F**K. OUT! CNN DRAGGED (and dragged again) for ‘wildly irresponsible’ interview with Gov. GRETCH Whitmer (watch)

‘This is CRINGE, MAN’: Jimmy Kimmel officially makes the Left’s sh*t-list going after Jon Stewart *grab your popcorn*

‘As ignorant as my out-of-order toaster’: Seth Rogen has his a*s HANDED to him in brutal back and forth with Gad Saad and it’s *chef’s kiss*

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