At first glance, all you see with this article about Orrin Hatch acknowledging that being gay is not a choice is a photo of the senator with his hands up … but that apparently wasn’t the original photo that accompanied the article.
The Daily 202: GOP senator urges love for LGBT youths in Pride Month speech
— Katy Tur (@KatyTurNBC) June 14, 2018
From an hour earlier …
Gosh, why does this young man being comforted on Orrin Hatch’s shoulder look so familiar?
OH THAT’S RIGHT, because it’s Kyle Kashuv.
Why is my photo being used…? @senorrinhatch
— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) June 14, 2018
So. Damn. Tacky. WaPo.
Either WaPo doesn’t recognize who Kyle Kashuv is OR they were making a sideways dig at his sexuality.
And either way, shame on them.
@jameshohmann wrote the article. Ask him why he used a pic of you, instead of doing his homework and finding a pic of an LGBT youth instead.
— Tara LaRosa (@TaraLaRosa) June 14, 2018
We checked on James’ timeline and he has not acknowledged Kyle’s question as to why he used his photo for the article.
@KatyTurNBC seems like a slander lawsuit coming up, implying Kyle's sexuality from a photo, or ANYONES is out of line
— tsull2121 (@tsull2121) June 14, 2018
Now they change the cover pic
— Patriotic2020 (@thepat1945) June 14, 2018
After thousands of people already saw it.
lol someone just sent me this screenshot.
— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) June 14, 2018
Kyle has a far better sense of humor over this than we would.
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