You know it’s going to be an interesting day on Twitter when you see someone like Brit Hume take a low-level troll to the shed. And while there seems to be more and more popcorn-worthy moments on Twitter these days, this back-and-forth between Hume and a nobody troll is right up there.
It all started with this article:
New: Amid firestorms, Trump has year of solid policy accomplishments. Can he keep going?
— Byron York (@ByronYork) December 18, 2017
HEY NOW. We’re not supposed to talk about the things Trump has accomplished, especially in the media.
It is heresy in the media to say this, but it’s absolutely correct.
— Brit Hume (@brithume) December 18, 2017
Byron will be lucky he’s not hunted with torches and pitchforks for not only admitting such things but writing them down!
And as usual, there’s always some bite-in-the-ass who has to pick a fight because he or she has nothing else better to do.
I'll bite. What accomplishments?
— Crow Robot (@MSTie4Life) December 18, 2017
We’re not entirely sure we’d pick a fight with Brit Hume but hey, what do we know?
Read the article. It’s not long. You might be able to finish it.
— Brit Hume (@brithume) December 18, 2017
Break out the puppets and crayons, Brit.
2) repeal individual mandate – doing so would deliberately sabotage healthcare for millions of Americans & raise premiums, making healthcare affordable only for the super rich. Obamacare COULD work better if Repubs wanted it to, but they don't. Again, this is an "accomplishment"?
— Crow Robot (@MSTie4Life) December 18, 2017
If by ‘sabotage healthcare’ this person means that Americans will no longer be forced to pay for health insurance they don’t need or want (like men paying for pap smears) then they’re spot on.
But we’re pretty sure the troll is insinuating that Trump wants to kill all the poors by taking away their healthcare.
The fact that you don’t agree with the policy does not make the repeal any less an accomplishment. And your analysis is full of holes. Not forcing people to buy insurance they don’t want is hardly “sabotage.”
— Brit Hume (@brithume) December 18, 2017
What he said.
the only thing Obamacare is designed to do is destroy the free market and bring about a communist health system
— Rabiddogg (@Rabiddogg) December 18, 2017
And force Americans into government dependence.
The fact is that forcing people to pay for crappy insurance gives insurance companies little incentive to improve their products.
— Matt Wilson (@lawyermatt) December 18, 2017
When any provider of a service knows you have no choice but to use them, they will do as little as possible to keep your business. Which is why the free market will always be better than government-owned or sponsored health care.
Now, THIS is news! Finally, PROOF POTUS colluded with Russia … but it ain’t President Trump
Can’t. Stop. LAUGHING: CNN declares war on Fox News and Hannity, beclowns itself AGAIN
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