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Based El Loco: Javier Milei Shutters Argentina's Ministry of Women, Genders and Diversity

AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko

Just six months into his term, we're running out of accolades for Argentinian President Javier ' El Loco' Milei, but as long as he keeps governing the way he campaigned -- a.k.a, by taking a chainsaw to wasteful and pointless government agencies -- we'll keep a Thesaurus handy to congratulate him even more. 


In March, Milei announced plans to fire 70,000 government workers. By April, he had already fired more than 24,000, and all recent signs indicate that he has every intention of following through on his promise.

The latest agency to feel the chainsaw's cut? Argentina's Ministry of Women, Genders, and Diversity. 

The agency had already been downgraded from a full ministry to an undersecretariat as Milei had fired more than 14,000 government workers back in March. But on June 6, the remaining employees learned that their services would no longer be required by the government of Argentina. 

Naturally, this has infuriated the left worldwide, including their media apparatus like The Guardian

Javier Milei, Argentina’s far-right president, is poised to dissolve the government department responsible for tackling gender violence, prompting a furious backlash from human rights activists.

Claudia Barcia, the head of the undersecretariat for protection against gender violence, resigned on Thursday with a warning that the agency will soon be shuttered. 'The Undersecretary of Protection against Gender Violence … will cease to exist.'

'We are faced with a total hollowing out of policies for the prevention of gender-based violence,' said the department’s workers, who originally numbered 600 but have been slashed to 200, in a statement.


Of course, there's only one problem with that. It's not true. 

The ministry has been canned because those essential functions were already being handled by another agency, according to the Buenos Aires Herald.

The ministry has decided that all of the ex-undersecretariat’s tasks will now be handled by the human rights secretariat under Alberto Baños, sources confirmed to the Herald.

'The missions and programs that were under the Undersecretariat for Protection against Gender-based Violence will continue according to legal dispositions and conventional mandates,' a human rights secretariat source said.

The Human Rights Secretariat published a communiqué on Thursday afternoon saying the closure was due to a 'clear overlap of functions between different government agencies,' explaining that due to 'upkeep costs' the government had decided to 'make service more efficient.'

It sounds like Milei is doing exactly what he said he would do: eliminate waste and useless DEI functions in government. And people are loving him for it. 


We get it. We really do. And hey, Milei IS single so ... who knows? 

Some of them do. According to recent polling, his approval in Argentina is right around 50 percent. But here's the best part. Among young people (you know, the ones we're told care the MOST about 'gender, diversity, and inclusion'), Milei has an approval rating of 65 percent. 


In addition to his cuts across ALL areas of government, Milei ... ahem ... has the advantage of not being senile.

Not even a little bit.

It's a mystery. But somehow, we're thinking Argentina will not only survive, but begin to prosper again. 

Yeah, we get that reaction too. 


HA. Yes, the timing couldn't be better. 

We LOVE that idea too. 

Maybe our favorite part of this story, though, is how The Guardian tried to fearmonger about some of Milei's other promises. 

The libertarian president is openly anti-feminist and has faced regular criticism over women’s rights issues. In his first six months as president he has banned gender-inclusive language across the public sector, and described abortion as 'aggravated murder.'

LOL. Awesome. We already love him, Guardian. You don't have to keep selling him to us. 

We agree with 100 percent of the first half of that tweet. 

But whoo boy, Javier Milei is really tempting us in that second half too.

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