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The New Yorker is Trying to Make Polyamory a Thing, Claiming 'Polycules' are 'Seemingly EVERYWHERE'


Have you noticed how everywhere you look there are polyamorous polycules all around you? You go to the park there's a guy with four wives playing with their kids on the swings, you go to the movies and literally entire rows of theater seats are occupied by groups of people who are all in a non-monogamous domestic relationship with each other. No matter where you go you can't get away from all of these polyamorous people!


Wait... you haven't noticed that? Well apparently the good folks at The New Yorker are under the impression that you must have seen it, because they seem to believe that polyamory is everywhere!

Some of us are old enough to remember back when we were being told ad nauseam that 'nobody's trying to attack the foundations of marriage, we just want (x thing) and then we'll be happy!'... of course the real amazing thing is that there were people out there who believed that that was the case at the time. But now, not content with simply having redefined the concept of 'marriage' away from being between a man and a woman and the concept of a woman as... being a woman, the leftists in the press have gone all in on trying to make it seem like America (and the world) are awash in polyamorous people out there toting their gaggle of spouses wherever they go. It's a phenomenon that's been picking up steam of late, one that we've written about before in fact, and it's always really really dumb.


After the 1972 Presidential election Pauline Kael, long-time film critic for The New Yorker (all roads lead back to The New Yorker) famous was paraphrased to have said 'I can’t believe Nixon won. I don’t know anyone who voted for him.' Now Kael didn't actually say this exact phrase (although what she actually said was debatably more troubling) but it's an expressed sentiment that's always useful in understanding the general world view of those who live in the rarified air of the rich parts of Manhattan, and understanding that their world and ours are very very different places.


This actually has a name, it's called 'advocacy journalism'. Advocacy journalism was the norm for much of American history until the media began to try to (claim to) operate more as impartial umpires reporting the news during the early to middle part of the 20th century... a legacy of 'impartiality' that they still try to pretend that they're upholding while making it obvious to anyone who's watching what they're actually up to.

There was a time when 'society' was understood to exist to separate us from our baser urges and animal instincts, but no more! Give in, is the cry of the modern left, and become the beast of the field that you always were!


Gotta keep that Overton Window shifting!

It's really weird and transparent what these stories are trying to do, because at this point we've seen this movie before. This is the probing Camel's Nose under the tent, the first tremulous steps of a new direction in the culture war springing to life. Sometimes these things get pushed back against too hard (see the attempts to make 'Minor Attracted People' a thing) but they never go away, they just get put onto a shelf to lie dormant until a later date when they'll be dusted off and trotted out again to see if maybe this time people will buy it. Bad ideas, it always seems, never die.


Let's hope that this whole 'polyamory' nonsense gets shelved quick though, because honestly we're tired of having to see people talking about it. It's kinda gross.


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