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Voice of Reason: J.K. Rowling Continues As Tireless Advocate of Women and Girls Amid Trans Insanity

AP Photo/Joel Ryan, File

JK Rowling is a queen. Not only is she one of the most wildly successful authors in the history of publishing, she's a tireless advocate for women's rights and safety. Even amid the insanity of the trans crowd, who threaten and harass her on a daily basis.


But she remains unwavering. Her position is rational and reasonable: she doesn't hate trans people, but she will never endorse or subscribe to the insanity that men can invade women's spaces simply because they say they're a woman.

Case in point, this thread:


For decades, the Left railed against the patriarchy and oppressive men.

Now they're letting men run roughshod over women -- including in our locker rooms, restrooms, and even the language used to refer to us.


People who speak the truth are always better allies than those who lie to protect feelings.

This is exactly it.

Basically. And it's so exhausting.

It shouldn't be this way, and it doesn't have to be.

Exactly. But our legitimate concerns and safety take a back seat to their feelings. And that's so very wrong.

There are a handful of them, but not nearly enough.

We need more JK Rowlings.


Worth every penny.

What an excellent turn of phrase, and 100% spot-on.

And the people who normally lose their minds over white males doing or saying anything are totally fine with this.

We get this is tongue-in-cheek, but that's what they argue: Rowling saying common sense things kills people. It's insane.


It takes guts to admit you were wrong.

And we're attacked when we stand up for ourselves.

We're glad she's going to keep fighting the good fight.


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