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J.K. Rowling Takes NO CRAP From Trans Lunatic Trolls and That's Why I Want to Be Her When I Grow Up


J.K. Rowling is a BEAST. A warrior. She takes NO crap from anyone ESPECIALLY when she's defending women from trans lunatics and Democrats who would love nothing more than to erase women because it's equitable to make crazy men who think they're women feel better about themselves. That's ultimately what their entire agenda is really about, taking from others to make a few feel better about their mental illness. And not just that, but they feed it, they tell these people they're right, they were born in the wrong bodies which when you think about it is incredibly hurtful and awful. Add to all of this that they are actively working to put men in women's prisons and you have one of the most dangerous, hateful movements in history.

But you know, Rowling is the bad guy for speaking out against it.

I've lost count of the number of times I've seen her trolled and threatened ... it's endless. Ironically, the very people attacking her aren't bright enough to realize they're only proving her point over and over and over again.

That's probably why she just laughs at them. 

Like this:

Whoda thunk?

But there's more:

However will she go on?

Surely the bazillion dollars she's made from her wonderful books and the wonderful movies based on them will magically just go away since she's so angered the trans crowd.


I think most of us would be happy to help Rowling out.

She is ultimately uncancellable. And the more these lunatics try and 'cancel' her the more we see it. I am so grateful that she is on the side of sanity, on the side of reality, and really on the side of women. In this environment when so many are more than happy to erase women to make men feel better about their gender issues, aka the PATRIARCHY, we need all the help we can get.

We need a warrior, like J.K. Rowling.


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