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Amy Curtis' thread zeroes in on dangerous misogyny of opening lesbian dating apps to trans women

A whole lot of stupid crap happened last week, and despite our best efforts to cover all of it, a few things were able to slip through the cracks. Like this story, for example:


Apparently HER received a lot of pushback on Twitter on Lesbian Visibility Day for welcoming trans women and nonbinary lesbians to use their app, which ostensibly caters to just regular, lesbian women. So HER decided to fight back against all the haters.

More from PinkNews:

The pile-on came after the app released a blog post in celebration of Lesbian Visibility Day, describing how it is “reclaiming ‘lesbian’” from “the clutches of TERFs and bigots who’ve tried to hijack it to fuel their transphobia and hatred”.

After returning to social media, the app sent a push-notification to all its users telling transphobia to delete the app, adding: “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”

“HER has always been a platform that is for trans women, for non-binary people and anyone who identifies as a woman,” [HER CEO Robyn Exton] said.

“So it’s kind of absurd that we’re now getting this like vitriol coming back, saying that we’re a lesbian app that is now ‘promoting’ inclusion of trans women. It has always been since day one.”

The CEO said the team at HER are “so sick” at the levels of “aggression and violence” so-called gender critical activists aim at the app and its users, when “all trans women want to do on our app is meet someone to fall in love with”.


And what about what the lesbian women want to do on the app? Exton and HER are making it abundantly clear that the lesbian women for whom the app exists need to welcome biological men with open arms, or else get the hell out.

And that’s more than just a little messed up; it’s also misogynistic and dangerous. Twitchy frequent flyer Amy Curtis explained how in a disturbing but vital thread:



It’s all going one way, and if society doesn’t slam the brakes on this train and reverse it soon, women really will be crushed by the patriarchy.



Amy Curtis gets to the heart of leftists’ outrage over SCOTUS decisions destroying ‘democracy’ in fantastic thread

Amy Curtis reminds the #NeverTrump ‘Washington Generals of Punditry’ exactly how we got here in blistering thread


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