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Sen. John Fetterman: Add Some Tiki Torches and It's Chartlottesville

AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File

As I reported earlier, President Joe Biden took a "good people on both sides" approach to the out-of-control pro-Hamas protests at Columbia and other universities. And yes, they are pro-Hamas and have proudly stated it. A Jewish professor was denied entry because of the "obvious risk." Classes were taught remotely because of the obvious risk. College kids who want Israel wiped off the map are now occupying the campus and calling the shots.

Sen. John Fetterman, the most staunch supporter of Israel in Congress, tweeted that all the protests needed was tiki torches:

I wanted to highlight Fetterman's post because of the Charlottesville hoax, which Scott Adams and Joel Pollak tried so hard to debunk. Biden even said it was the impetus for him to run for president. So it's ironic that Biden would claim there were good people on both sides.

Once more: President Donald Trump singled out the neo-Nazis for condemnation. When he said there were fine people on both sides, he wasn't praising the white supremacists. He was talking about people wanting to tear down a statue of Robert E. Lee and those who thought it should stay where it was.

We all know how that went. Statues that had stood forever were suddenly torn down or covered with a tarp because the very sight of them was triggering to blacks. They even wanted to tear down the Emancipation Monument in Washington showing President Abraham Lincoln assisting a slave arising from his shackles. That was racist.

Trump asked where it would end: George Washington? Thomas Jefferson? Good luck tearing down the Washington Monument. For real: an Egyptologist tweeted a thread with detailed instructions about how to topple an obelisk that "might be masquerading as a racist monument."

There's an actual genocide against Christians in Nigeria — terrorists even shot up a church on Christmas Day — but you haven't seen one student even acknowledge it. It's only when the Jews are winning that these students lose their minds.

But the mainstream media isn't treating these protests like Charlottesville. They're doing their best to make sure we know they're peaceful. Not surprisingly, the White House pivoted:

Biden is a pathological liar and will still argue that Trump called neo-Nazis "fine people." If they ever debate — that is, let Biden debate — I guarantee he'll bring it up again.



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