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Scott Jennings Pushes Back on Dem Worried About 'Inhumane' Treatment of Terrorist Illegal Alien Gangs

AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis

Another day, another leftist Democrat crying over the treatment of terrorist illegal alien gang members. Former MSNBC host Tiffany Cross rushed to decry how deported illegal alien gang members were being treated. Scott Jennings shot back that they are being treated better than their victims.


Here’s an excerpt. (READ)

Scott Jennings shuts down ultra-woke Tiffany Cross after she claims what’s happening to illegals and violent gang members is “inhumane” and “criminal” — 

CROSS: “If these were white men with families, there would be a whole different level of humanity extended to them."

JENNINGS: "You invoke the word inhumane. I would just point out that I don't think Jocelyn Nungaray or Laken Riley or any other victims of some of these illegal immigrants and gang members, they weren't treated very humanely. And I think what Trump is responding to is an outcry from the American people to solve this issue, to get the criminals out, and that's what they're doing."

"That's what they believe their mandate is to do. And I think there are legal arguments to be made, but you cannot deny that the American people are giving them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to exiting from the country, these animals."

Here’s the full exchange. (WATCH)


We will never understand this intense, crazy urge Democrats have to elevate criminal illegal aliens over American citizens.

Democrats seem compelled to defend those who seek to destroy us. Commenters have noticed.

She’s race-obsessed which means she’s blind to reality.


Posters are glad these illegal alien gangs are being removed from America. They say they want them gone no matter how it is done.

It is wild. We’ve never seen a Democrat be this impassioned in the defense of fellow Americans. But, enter the country illegally and rape or murder an American citizen and these Dems will walk over hot coals in your defense. It’s insane and will hopefully keep Democrats out of power indefinitely.

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