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Frame of Reference: President Trump’s Defiant Mugshot Now Greets Visitors to the Oval Office

Fulton County Sheriff’s Office via AP

The old saying goes ‘a picture is worth a thousand words.’ The new pic hanging outside the Oval Office dials that saying up to a million or more. Trump has framed The New York Post newspaper with his infamous mugshot photo for all to see before they step into his office. 


Here’s more.

That action is both trolling and a stern message to anyone who would dare mess with our President.

Commenters have some ideas as to what else Trump is trying to convey.

The man has endured a lot since he entered politics roughly ten years ago.

Some say it symbolizes the dark place our country was in and the even darker domain it was hurtling towards before Trump arrived on the scene.


We should never forget how the Democrat Party weaponized our judicial system against a political opponent.

Commenters imagine what it must be like to be awaiting a meeting with Trump and being greeted by that framed newspaper.

That mugshot is not only important to Trump but to those who’ve supported him all these years. It represents how far the powerful are willing to go to usurp the vote of the people and that one should never surrender to those forces of evil. Trump framed that sentiment and put it on a wall.

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