Last night was the first night of the Democratic National Convention, and oh boy were there some wacky reasons and statements made to try and get people to go out and support Hillary in November.
But there was one statement that takes the cake.
That statement was made by none other than Minnesota Senator Al Franken.
He starts talking about it at the 6:41 mark in the video below, check it out:
Let me tell you something, kids love it when their parents are not home. They love it. And let me tell you something else, an eight-year-old kid knows how to use a microwave oven. And let me tell you something else, an eight-year-old kid can teach a four-year-old kid to use a microwave oven, it’s scientific fact. Don’t worry about your kids, they will be fine. You have work to do.
You think parents should abandon their kids to campaign for Hillary? Well, I guess given the Democrats track record, this isn’t surprising.
Franken was torn apart on Twitter for this ridiculous remark:
Highlight of the #DNCinPHL last night: after all the "think of the kids" ads Al Franken told parents to leave kids home alone & go campaign
— Ron Malone (@Rondoe9) July 26, 2016
Someone gonna tell Al Franken 8yr old & 4yr old siblings are too young to stay home alone & microwave while parents go campaign for Hillary?
— Rachael Coleman (@Rachael1776) July 26, 2016
Al Franken told parents to work hard & leave their kids home alone. This is why we have active shootings.I will vote for Trump
— Richard Bell (@bellsecuritysch) July 26, 2016
Huh, Al Franken wants to create nation of latchkey kids left home operating kitchen appliances so parents can vote for #HillaryClinton? #DNC
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