Dawn Neely-Randall, an Ohio schoolteacher, has gone public with her concerns about PARCC, the convoluted Common Core-aligned test being administered to millions of students across the nation this spring.
Many on Twitter, including television personality Montel Williams, have taken note of the heartfelt video:
If you have not seen this video from @dawnintheworld on #testing take a moment to view #optoutnow @BadassTeachersA https://t.co/YVLz5GptB3
— Yohuru Williams (@YohuruWilliams) February 27, 2015
@dawnintheworld @Montel_Williams @BadassTeachersA @Rosie I cried along with this teacher. We are messing with our children's futures!
— Watchman On The Wall (@TaxPro_SABP) February 27, 2015
@dawnintheworld @BadassTeachersA @Montel_Williams @Rosie you are my hero Dawn..
— Activist -Ohio BAT (@garfield_paula) February 28, 2015
@dawnintheworld @BadassTeachersA @Montel_Williams @Rosie as a fellow educator & mother I want to thank you for being brave. #whyirefuse
— Tanya Avrith (@TanyaAvrith) February 28, 2015
Neely-Randall is not the only brave teacher speaking out:
#FarmingtonNM teacher on paid leave after giving forms to opt out of #PARCC testing to students http://t.co/LP5Fk5t3rQ
— Joshua Kellogg (@jkelloggdt) February 27, 2015
CPS teacher: #parcc test is broken, questions are 2 grade levels above a student grade level
— IPA Gov. Relations (@ILPrincipalsGR) February 25, 2015
homeroom teacher: "PARCC spelled backwards is CRAP" ??
— Kayla (@KaylaSzidar) February 20, 2015
BRAVE @Weedabest speaks out Centerville Teacher: PARCC Standardized Test Doe: http://t.co/HH25W6fA1N via @YouTube @OhioBATs @BadassTeachersA
— Dawn Neely-Randall (@dawnintheworld) February 20, 2015
Let’s hope this trend continues.
Newsflash: Students don’t care if they fail the PARCC test
Before you let your kid take the PARCC test, try out this practice problem
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