Earlier this week, Jessica Sanchez wowed America with her rendition of Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You,” but she isn’t the most-beloved Idol contestant on Twitter:
- Heejun Han @HHanAI11 63,864 followers
- Phillip Phillips @PPhillipsAI11 57,344 followers
- Colton Dixon @CDixonAI11 50,622 followers
- Jessica Sanchez @JSanchezAI11 37,850 followers
- Erika Van Pelt @EVanPeltAI11 33,706 followers
- Skylar Laine @SLaineAI11 20,211 followers
- DeAndre Brackensick @BrackensickAI11 20,113 followers
- Hollie Cavanagh @CavanaghAI11 17,480 followers
- Shannon Magrane @SMagraneAI11 15,620 followers
- Joshua Ledet @JLedetAI11 10,991 followers
- Elise Testone @ETestoneAI11 9,894 followers
- Jermaine Jones @JJonesAI11 5,619 followers
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