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White House takes some artistic liberties with Joe Biden's 'we ended cancer' gaffe in official transcript


We're not exactly sure how many people actually make it a point to read official White House transcripts of speeches and press conferences and whatnot, but those transcripts exist for some reason. And we're sure they're useful for media outlets, whose members of the White House press corps might be too busy asking questions or trying to jot down notes quickly to accurately transcribe the whole proceedings. The Washington Post, say, can just look at the White House transcript for a story they're writing and get the exact words that came out of Joe Biden's mouth.


Or at least a version of the words that came out of Joe Biden's mouth.

If you'll recall, yesterday, President Biden made the rather bold pronouncement that "we ended cancer as we know it."

Now, it should be quite obvious to literally everyone that that's not, in fact, the case. Cancer still very much exists and is still very much sickening and killing people in the United States and around the world.

So, what do you do in a situation like this, where a president known for exaggerating and lying and just flat-out making stuff up says something that is obviously not true, and you really don't want to acknowledge it? Well, maybe you choose not to believe your own lying ears and defer to the White House transcript, whose version of the remarks in question is considerably less wrong and insane:

"We can end cancer as we know it" certainly makes for a much better pull quote for media outlets trying to figure out how to report on Biden's remarks than "We ended cancer as we know it." So we can see why the White House would opt for the former. The problem is that the former is a pretty serious misrepresentation of Biden's remarks. The problem is that the White House is lying to the public. Again.


It's not new. It's constant. It's on a daily basis, often multiple times a day. It's a full-time job, and there are still not enough hours in the day to whitewash or conceal all the literally incredible things that come out of President Biden's mouth.

But that's no excuse for willful deception.

Well, what they presented was not a true transcript, so clearly the White House believes that a true transcript is no good at all.



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