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Neither CNN's article on new Louisville shooter info nor family's obituary do victims any favors

AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley

Remember the deadly mass shooting in Louisville? If yes, congratulations. You’re way ahead of pretty much everyone else on the Left, and definitely way  ahead of pretty much all of the mainstream media. As you probably recall, just as was the case with the Covenant school shooting, liberals and media were falling all over themselves to blame Republicans and conservatives for the shooting. And then, just as was the case with the Covenant shooting, once we learned that the shooting suspect wasn’t a right-wing gun nut, liberals and media were forced to pivot quickly in order to make a victim or noble crusader out of the murderer somehow. Recall how The Daily Beast painted him as a great guy (aside from the whole murder thing).


Anyway, apparently enough time has passed and enough people have forgotten about the shooting that CNN feels confident in quietly dropping some new developments in the case:

From CNN:

The notes reveal that part of the shooter’s goal was to show how easy it was in America for someone dealing with a serious mental illness to buy an assault-style weapon, the sources said.

The shootings took place as employees at the Old National Bank branch near the Ohio River in downtown Louisville had gathered for a morning board meeting.

Within a minute, five of them would become casualties of a distinctly American phenomenon – the mass shooting.

Thank you, CNN, for reminding us that mass shootings only happen in America and people never go on killing sprees in other countries. That sounds a lot like what the Louisville shooter was trying to do in the notes he allegedly left. You know, the ones he used to justify opening fire on and killing innocent people. If only you’d written that sooner, the shooter could’ve just printed that out and left it for people to find. Saved himself a little time.

Honestly, it sounds a little like CNN is trying to make excuses for the shooter’s decision to commit mass murder. Sounds a little like the shooter’s family is trying to do that, too:


So, basically, it’s Kentucky’s fault that their family member shot up a bank. He never would’ve had to go and do something like that if Kentucky had “meaningful, commonsense gun safety measures.” He was a great kid!

We can kind of understand why the shooter’s family wouldn’t want to include the fact that their loved one is dead because police had to act to stop him from killing even more people in the obituary, but geez. At this point, we couldn’t care less if the shooter loved sports and trivia. Five families had to write obituaries for the people he killed. And, like, kudos to the shooter’s family for asking that donations be made to fundraiser for the police officer wounded by the shooter, but how about at least a sentence dedicated to acknowledging the families of the people he killed?


It’s never easy to lose a loved one, and we have no doubt that the shooter’s family is still struggling with the nature of his death. But in ignoring his victims, they dishonor the memories of the other people who died that day.

Same goes for CNN.


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