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Ron Klain calls Joe Biden's nasty speech last night 'one final warning' to Extreme Ultra Mega MAGA GOP

President Joe Biden’s speech last night sounded to us a lot like an unhinged and incoherent mess. Probably because that’s exactly what it was.

But according to President White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain, it was even more than that.



Oh, that? Yeah, that was him.

More from the Washington Free Beacon:

White House chief of staff and serial Twitter user Ron Klain violated the Hatch Act, a federal law that forbids government employees from engaging in campaign-related activity, according to an Office of Special Counsel letter obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The violation occurred earlier this year when Klain retweeted the left-wing political action committee Strike PAC on May 22, the Office of Special Counsel said in its letter to the America First Legal. The tweet thanked President Joe Biden for delivering infant formula to the United States amid a national shortage, and linked to the commitee’s online store.

Such conduct is illegal. The Hatch Act forbids federal “employees from, among other things, using their official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election and knowingly soliciting, accepting, or receiving political contributions from any person.”


But even leaving that aside, Klain’s “final warning” BS is plenty cringe on its face.

It’s also quite offensive and sinister.

Sounds an awful lot like a threat.

Actually, he probably wouldn’t. Because it’s extremely likely that whatever he’d try to replace it with would be even worse.

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