Even if you didn’t catch Joe Biden’s deranged speech last night, you no doubt are well aware by now that it revolved around bashing “MAGA Republicans” and suggesting that they’re on a mission to destroy this country and everything it stands for.
Well, fast-forward to today, and know that it was actually all just a big misunderstanding:
BIDEN walking it back: "I don't consider any Trump supporter to be a threat. I do think anyone who calls for the use of violence and fails to condemn violence when its used, refuse to acknowledge an election has been won… That is a threat to democracy."
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) September 2, 2022
Guys. You guys.
Doocy: "Do you consider all Trump supporters to be a threat to the country?"
Biden: "I don't consider any Trump supporter a threat to the country." pic.twitter.com/QB7f3XVG7z
— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) September 2, 2022
Come again?
Welp, Joe Biden already forgot the speech he gave last night
Biden: "I don't consider any Trump supporter a threat to the country."pic.twitter.com/Nr09ksIrDp
— Matthew Foldi (@MatthewFoldi) September 2, 2022
Holy gaslighting, Batman!
IRL LOL https://t.co/L0RjPN4gZo
— jimtreacher.substack.com (@jtLOL) September 2, 2022
hahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhaha https://t.co/5HJwrhw77c
— kaitlin, by definition, a woman (@thefactualprep) September 2, 2022
lol walking back the central thesis of his entire primetime address. the adults are back, baby! https://t.co/e82i2j4bUi
— T. Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) September 2, 2022
The central thesis of this entire tweet, too:
Biden: "I don't consider any Trump supporter a threat to the country."
Also Biden: https://t.co/drni3vhKu7 pic.twitter.com/2UkyyJ9Xli
— Jeryl Bier (@JerylBier) September 2, 2022
And this one:
Well that's sure different from what he just said. pic.twitter.com/TCs3M2fdRH
— Aldous Huxley's Ghost™ (@AF632) September 2, 2022
We all saw what he said. We all heard what he said.
And we’re just supposed to sit here and pretend we imagined the whole thing.
— Magills (@magills_) September 2, 2022
Did Joe Biden actually forget what he said less than 24 hours ago? Or is he just lying?
BIDEN: "I don't consider any Trump supporter to be a threat." pic.twitter.com/L10U86PZKc
— Heritage Foundation (@Heritage) September 2, 2022
You don't threaten airstrikes against people you don't consider a threat. https://t.co/Rzm42cqeVl
— Eric Spencer (@JustEric) September 2, 2022
Good point.
The internals on last night must be brutal https://t.co/LwxKc1rbQ5
— Sean Agnew (@seanagnew) September 2, 2022
No kidding. We’d like to see them.
We’d also love to be a fly on the wall in the White House right now. We imagine that the scene is very chickens-running-around-with-their-heads-cut-off-y.
This is equivalent to a journo tweeting out a lie, having it accumulate 500k likes and then, the next day, tweeting out a correction that gets 500 likes. https://t.co/zhqEoK88Yq
— bartleby (@ElderBartleby) September 2, 2022
A little embarrassing for the people who defended his rhetoric from last night for him to clearly have to walk it back just a day later. https://t.co/t6h2bp02Z2
— AG (@AGHamilton29) September 2, 2022
Well, evidently not everyone in the White House is where Joe Biden is on the narrative. Ron Klain retweeted this after Biden did his about-face:
Uh-oh … Ron Klain, call your boss! Or Joe Biden, call your boss. Because it sounds like everybody’s on different pages over at the White House.
just like in the trump years, the president's most ardent supporters forced themselves into contortions defending his message only to have him walk it back a few hours later, leaving them looking like braying jackasses.
— T. Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) September 2, 2022
Well, if the horseshoe fits …
They are braying jackasses. The whole Biden administration. The lot of them.
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