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Blue-checked podcasting consortium apologizes 'for the harm done' by Ben Shapiro showing up at expo where 'dangerous' Daily Wire had booth

When you hear the name “Ben Shapiro,” what words come to mind? A lot, probably. Which is fitting, considering how many words Ben Shapiro is able to get out between breaths. Seriously, the guy can talk fast.


But back to our question: what do you think of when you think of Ben Shapiro? Chances are pretty good that “harm” is not anywhere on the list.

But apparently it’s at or near the very top of @PodcastMovement’s list. According to their Twitter bio, Podcast Movement is “the world’s largest community of podcasters,” and they’re currently doing a big event in Dallas. An event that Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro showed up at — which prompted an apology from Podcast Movement:

We’re not used to snowflakes taking responsibility for anything, so kudos to them for this, we guess.

Titania McGrath is probably kicking xim/xerself for not coming up with it first. But xe/xhe still got to have a moment:



Maybe Podcast Movement was worried that too many other woke podcasters and podcast fans wouldn’t be satisfied with the apology, either, and that’s why they turned it into a whole thread (for which they limited replies, FYI):

We apologize for not planning for the possibility that Ben Shapiro would visit a booth for the site he built! We should’ve known he’d show up and never allowed The Daily Wire to have a presence there in the first place!


Titania? Is that you?


Well, @PodcastMovement, we have questions. Namely, “How are you people for real?”

“Refund their dirty money.”

Oh, the harm!

Inquiring minds wanna know.


Maybe that’s what it is. Or maybe he’s just better at his job than they are at theirs. Maybe he’s just more popular than they are. Maybe he’s just smarter than they are.

And maybe if people at the big convention had a chance to actually listen to what he had to say, they’d realize that he’s actually right about a lot of stuff.

None taken, we’re sure.


The sea of woke podcasters was angry that day, my friends.

Ha! Yeah, the time we took to read it … that’s time we’ll never get back.

They sound colossally stupid because they are colossally stupid. They should consider seeing someone about that.


Or can anyone recommend a good mental health podcast for them to check out?


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