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Ron Klain touts 'another historic jobs report' while leaving out some pretty important details

Guys! OMG, you guys! If you’re like us, you’ve probably been concerned about month after month of bad jobs reports, but finally, at long last, we’ve got good news for you.

Or, rather, White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain has got good news for you.

Bust out the Champagne and caviar, because it’s time to celebrate!

How exciting!

True story! If Ron Klain’s your narrator, that is. Do you get the feeling that Ron’s leaving some important information out of his “historic jobs report” tweet?

Good. Trust that feeling. Because you’re right.

Now why wouldn’t Ron mention a detail like that? Seems he didn’t mention quite a few details.


How about runaway, non-transitory inflation? Is that a sign of a booming economy, Ron? Is it?

So people are still effectively losing money, then.

Great work, Team Biden.

Hey, it keeps Ron Klain and Co. employed!

Baghdad Ron.



Ron Klain apparently agrees with Paul Krugman that ‘Biden has arguably done more to defend freedom […] than any president since Harry Truman’

Poll showing Biden approval still dismal but not quite as dismal as before earns a Ron Klain retweet


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