Country music could make you make you want to dance and sing. Or it could make you want to drive your own head through a wall or hurl yourself off the edge of a cliff. Or it could make you feel any way in between.
In the end, what matters is that country music sweetheart Dolly Parton is a bona fide American treasure whose appeal transcends musical genres because she’s just so gosh-darn wonderful.
In February 2021, she politely asked the Tennessee legislature to table a bill that would have had a statue of her erected and placed on the Capitol grounds:
— Dolly Parton (@DollyParton) February 18, 2021
To call her nothing short of absolutely lovely would still be a gross understatement. Dolly Parton is an honest-to-goodness gem.
Declining to be memorialized with a statue says a great deal about her character and the kind of woman she is. As does declining the invitation to be nominated for induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame:
— Dolly Parton (@DollyParton) March 14, 2022
We’re being 100% genuine when we ask this: How can anyone not like her?
They should give her an award just for this bit of grace and fine Southern manners.
— Mike Glenn (@mrglenn) March 14, 2022
You love to see it — and you wish you saw more like it from other people.
— Karen 💎 (@sanjuan2023) March 14, 2022
They’ll never be another #DollyParton – what a 👑
— Melanie Blake (@MelanieBlakeUK) March 14, 2022
We don't deserve her.
— Casey Mattox (@CaseyMattox_) March 14, 2022
We don't deserve Dolly Parton. Class act.
— Ashley Carter (@AshleyLCarter1) March 14, 2022
She’s definitely too good for this world. But this world needs her, and we’re going to hang onto her and protect her for as long as is humanly possible.
It's time to canonize this amazing woman
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) March 14, 2022
She’d never agree to it. But we can dream.
sainthood requires evidence of miracles, and I think a celebrity humbly declining an award qualifies
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) March 14, 2022
Everybody doesn't like something, but nobody doesn't like Dolly P
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) March 14, 2022
Pretty sure that’s in the Bible somewhere. It’s at least in the Constitution.
Sometimes I feel like the only universally beloved people left are Dolly Parton and myself
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) March 14, 2022
Don’t worry, Dave. We’re going to do our best to protect you, too.